Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kobe City Hall

On the way to the City Hall at night, and the view from the upper floor, information about the special sign that appears sometimes on the outer wall, and a Rodin sculpture by its entrance:

In Japan it is possible to collect stamps everywhere you travel. In Hokkaido, I met a Japanese who would carry his stamp notebook on his travels - he had collected more than 2,000 stamps. I was so envious, with only a few hundreds of stamps in my collection. :-p I have a soft spot for it, too. 

I knew from a distance it is one sculpture by Rodin, unmistakably his from any angle. He is of course much appreciated even in Japan, same as elsewhere. The Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art exhibits 32 of the artist's bronzes. 


  1. Ah, do tell more about this stamp collecting thing - what kind of stamps? Somebody mentioned once about stamps in temples, but I had no idea what she meant...

    Wish you a beautiful day today!

    1. I will post some stamp photos in the near future, then. :-)
      They are everywhere, apart from temples - hotels, museums, train/metro stations, some shops. In tourist places.


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